I'm cheating just a tiny bit. Just a teensy tiny bit. I've been posting my Random Acts of Kindness that I performed for my birthday mission - 46 in all to match my 46th birthday. My last post was RAOK #37 and I have nine more about which to write.
However . . . I've wanted to update my front door wreath with some Spring Subway Art and I just couldn't find anything that I liked. So, I made my own!! And I have some wonderful new friends that are following me from Pinterest and I just know that they will like this artwork. The only problem is that in order for someone to "Pin" something, it has to be posted on a blog or website.
RAOK #38 is for my Pinterest followers and anyone else who would like a fun colorful Spring decoration. It is NOT one of the original 46 RAOKS, so I will actually post 47 RAOKs for you so you can see all the originals.
Do you even care about this numbering thing?
In case you aren't a Pinterest user, I highly recommend you do NOT start using Pinterest . . .because if you are like me, you will love it and it will be one more thing that you end up wasting time on your computer. But, I have to say I really have referred back to it several times and purchased, cooked, and crafted ideas that I have gleaned from there. It is actually quite fun and very addictive.
As a bow to Pinterest, here is my Spring Subway Art. Right click on it and "save as" a picture (to a file you can find later). Then go to the file and print it out as an 8x10 photo. It was built as an 8x10 so it should print out well. It should fit lovely right into a beautiful white frame that you can then display on a mantle or put inside a wreath, which is what I did. Note this is for personal use only and please Pin back to my page and my original artwork.
Thank you so much! I'll head over to your site.