Thursday, March 8, 2012

RAOK #7 - A Little On The Trashy Side

It's raining and cold and squishy and soggy here today.  I pulled into my neighborhood and noticed the row of empty blue trash cans all lined up out at the street.  I live in a subdivision where the houses have fairly long driveways.  As I looked up the street, all I could think about were my neighbors (most of whom I do not know) climbing out of their cars from a long day of work and a wet drive home and having to drag their trash cans and recycle bins up their driveways while they got wet. The rain was coming down in sheets.  I looked down at my little preschooler, who has a heart of gold, and said "Want to do something nice for all our neighbors?"

Yep, you guessed it  . . . my babe and I got "a little on the trashy side".  From the base of the hill to my house is about 1/2 a mile.  We pulled every trash can and recycle bin up to the houses of 17 neighbors on that 1/2 mile stretch to our house plus the cul de sac that adjoins our property (sorry to my neighbors at the top of our hill, we'll try to get you another time!)

Now, my girl is a mean trash can roller.  One of her jobs on Thursday night is to grab a trash can at the bottom of our driveway and roll it up.  She runs the whole way and is faster than my teenagers!  So this was right up her alley.  What made it super fun, though, was she would run back down each driveway with her hands flying joyfully up in the air saying "I love Jesus, I love Jesus".  I'm trying to teach her at a young age that we do kind things because that's the kind of people we want to be and God wants us to be and not because we are expecting something back. 

The only casualty of this mission?  My hair!

The babe, she's rockin' and rollin' the trash can!

Mission casualty - hair fail. 


  1. Love the idea, love the blog! Keep inspiring and blessing others!

  2. LOL! You rock for putting up the hair failure picture! Keep your posts coming!!

    1. Hey, just keeping it real! I can't begin to describe how awful my hair looked when we were done. The picture really doesn't do it justice. I finally just left my hood off, it wasn't helping much anyway!

  3. Justina so fun! Yesterday our neighbors trash can,was un the middle of the road jake got out and moved them to her yard, shld hve gone the extra mile and taken to her front door. Cool thing is she was behind us and so appreciated it. Not so good thing elijah was asleep in the back and missed it u rock. Luv the raok idea gonna start my family on this idea. Luv u sister

    1. I'm sure the two of you do plenty of things that Elijah DOES see ;) That is fun that your RAOK matched mine today! Thanks for the encouragement, more posts coming!! Love you too!
